I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

Verse 16

Jesus Lord called for Saul to make him suffer not to give grace. Why did Jesus say this? These words are given to Ananias. Ananias’ viewpoint, if Lord said that he would make him a good instrument he could be disappointed. Because at that time Saul was very wicked and the worst person to the saints. So Ananias could not understand Lord’s calling him.

But actually, Saul was called for suffering in Jesus’ name. He persecuted many saints so he stacked his sins against Jesus so righteous God would give him some penalty when he called Saul. At the same time, if Saul repented then he could be a good instrument for Jesus Lord called him for his glory. Fortunately, Saul repented and changed completely to the person of Lord Jesus and started a mission in the name of Jesus. He was a good instrument so he could be used more than other apostles and suffered more caused by it. Paul might know that he was a very severe sinner and a stupid person so he would like to be suffered to pay back his wrongdoing.

Through these words, we can know no matter how seriously a sinner can be called for Jesus’ name and be used more than other people if he accepted his sin and repented. When we think about many Pharisees and authority people, they did the same with Saul and even more bad things. If this word means simply where sin abounds grace abounds then the other Pharisees and authority people should repent and be used much more than Paul. But they denied to accept their sin and not repented. So they perished in their sins and Paul was used very much for his repentance. Hallelujah!

living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

Verse 31

In the early church, so many disciples were added and there are two things that are described. The first words are they lived in the fear of the Lord and the second words are encouraged by the Holy Spirit. They feared the Lord did not treat Lord roughly which means their faith is really true and pure. And they knew exactly who the Lord is. I think we need to know Jesus our Lord more concretely and exactly. Because if we don’t know exactly somebody we could treat him wrong. If we don’t know our parents exactly, we could treat them badly because they give much love with sacrifice. After their death, many people realize their importance and regret. Likewise, we need to know Jesus our Lord exactly before regret.

Jesus is our Savior and our Lord and creator of this world and governing this world. So we need to live in the fear of the Lord because he is our judge. He can save us and also he can perish permanently. He is the owner of our life and this world. So He could operate this world in his power and come again to judge us sooner or later.

And the saints were encouraged by Holy Spirit. The role of the Holy Spirit was the encouragement the saints. We could get peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit whose role is encouragement like this. He gives us wisdom and realization about God’s word and God’s meaning in life. So we need to try to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit. To be filled with Holy Spirit to overcome this world. To be filled with Holy Spirit we need to pray every time and be righteous and holy. If we sin repeatedly then Holy Spirit is concerned about our sins and could leave us. Then we can lose all of the grace of joy, peace, and righteousness. So be awake and pray any time and be holy and do good things to make Holy Spirit be pleased. Then God’s Holy Spirit will be filled in us and we can be encouraged so much by Him. And the saints will be gathered more and more.

who was always doing good and helping the poor.

Verse 36

The widow has done so many good things in her life and so many widows witnessed her good things and her sacrifice and her love for the people. So her impression was so huge to the people around her. God is righteous so he always pays back kindly. God made Peter go to the village and let Peter move in and live again for the surrounding people. They have seen this miraculous thing and believed Peter’s preach. So, we can know that so many people were saved from their perishment by her good things. Her good deeds made them be saved. So God’s salvation comes to the people who are doing good deeds in their life.

God is the light which means good deeds. So, the people who do good deeds are light in God. God’s grace comes to the people who are light in the world. Because of our good deeds, so many people can be saved by God’s grace upon us. So we need to be light in the world which means we need to try to do good deeds as much as possible. We are always very thankful for God’s good things to the people who are doing good deeds. I will try my utmost to do good deeds to seek God’s grace upon us around me.